Friday, October 3, 2008

Okay, I'm finally posting my first blog. And I thought I ought to explain the pig sty title. When I was a youngster my room was often a disaster, who's wasn't? Okay, excepting my older sister who shall remain nameless to protect the innocent, or not so innocent. However I guess my room (which I shared with, let's see, at least 3 other siblings) was especially appalling one year because I got a street sign with "Pigsty Place" for Christmas I think it was, from another one of my siblings (I have quite a few of them, siblings that is, all of whom I dearly love) who also shall remain nameless. Anywho, I am now in my mid thirties and I must say I turned out pretty good and so far from the "Pigsty Place", so far that it seems my older sister aforementioned has somewhat taken on the role of my younger self.
That's it for now, we are headed off to cheer on the mighty Cougars.


dots said...

Keep posting!! It's fun to see what you are up to!!

desert mom said...

Oh, I'm so glad your posting Sweetheart. That's how I keep up with what's happening. Love to All

Happy Warrior in Training said...

Looks like we both got going on this at about the same time. Good luck and have fun. We had a great time in So. Cal.!

Unknown said...

wow, please keep updating your blog, that is great to let me know what happen on you, my step kid

Karen Nihipali Wicke said...

lol...very funny. That is hilarious. I too know what it is like to share a room and have a messy sibling or even be the messy one myself!
Keep posting.

Hamilton Family said...

Wow, I've really got to meet this older sister sibling of yours who has to remain anonymous! XOXO